Invoice Loans system for Web3

An open and reliable system to create loans for your invoices. It doesnt matter if you are a DAO, a Company or small business

Why you should choose us?

We are a decentralized platform that offers an easy and user friendly process to create invoices powered by Web3 NFT Technology.

Those invoices can be sold in an open market, increasing your chances to get fast capital.

If the invoice price is too big for only 1 payment, dont worry about it, with DAOFactoring you'll be able to create fractionalized invoices in order to facilitate the purchase of invoices by institutional and retail investors.

What is Invoice Factoring?

Invoice factoring is a way for UK based businesses to raise money by selling invoices owed to your business to a third party factoringcompany at a discount. Factoring usually includes your own accounts receivable credit control, this is where the lender chases unpaid invoices up on your behalf. UK factoring companies help release cash from your debtor book. Here is everything you need to know about invoice factoring.

How Does Factoring Work?

For invoice factoring to work there must be a factor, a debtor and an unpaid invoice. The factor is the financial institution that offers or agrees to buy business debt or unpaid invoices. The debtor is the client who owes money to a business in the form of an unpaid invoice. Lastly, the invoice is the document that shows transactions between a business and its clients.

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